Timing in Teams Aftercare

Congratulations. You've survived Nancy's keynote!
Hey, playful human. What a joy to have you at my workshop or keynote. As promised, here is some more background information and links about timing, deep work, chronotypes and hormones.
In any case, thank you for your energy and playful presence. Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like me to come play with your team or organisation. Or, sign up for my Random Rambles below - a (more or less) weekly newsletter full of playfulness.
But above all: keep on playing.
PS. Did you really, really, truly enjoy my keynote or workshop? Then I have a question for you.
Pssst ... looking for something specific? Go straight to:
Recommended books
Lots of juicy links (about diversity in tech)
Recommended reading:
This keynote was based on my (professional) experience in combination with these three excellent books:
Cal Newport
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
Daniel H. Pink
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Maisie Hill
Period Power: Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working For You
Why is it important to have more diversity in tech?
If this is a real question to you, with all due respect, please please please do educate yourself. This one hits pretty close to home for me; tech is a world that's close to my heart.
We have some serious problems on our hands:
Gender diversity in tech is being talked about, but women are still underrepresented, underpaid, and often discriminated against in the tech industry. A change is needed!
Get playing at these public events:

Friday 28 June 2024 | GeoFort
Play in Business
the one and only business event about playing at your work
My sister and I are organising the fourth (!) edition of this event, taking place on June 28th in Herwijnen, the Netherlands. On this day, 250+ visitors experience the full breadth and width of playing at work. There will be 20+ speakers and workshops and a keynote by Dutch astronaut (and enthusiastic player) André Kuipers.
this event is in Dutch

What did you think?
Did you really enjoy my workshop or keynote? Did it get you thinking or make changes in the way you work day-to-day? And do you have five minutes to spare? Then I'd be really honoured if you'd leave a quick recommendation on my LinkedIn profile.
Why? There's nothing the LinkedIn algorithm gods like more than a juicy recommendation. And hopefully, this helps more people to find out about me and my work, and discover the power of play for themselves. More people playing = a better world all around.
Four tips for betting timings:
TIP one
Respect differences.

TIP two
Start experimenting.
TIP one
Be aware of Kairos and Chronos and educate yourself and your team.
TIP four
Let’s normalise the discussion about human biology in the workplace.